
K. Tomashevskiy

Flexicurity in the labour law of Belarus and russia: presenr and future

2011. No. 4. P. 154–161 [issue contents]

The article analyzes a topical for the modern labour law problem of flexicurity policy.Based on the papers of foreign and Russian legal academics the author investigates the na­ture of flexicurity, formulates its features and makes up its definition. The article also stud­ies the current situation with the flexicurity policy in the Republic of Belarus and includes a comparative analysis with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Citation: Tomashevskiy K. L. (2011) Politika sochetaniia gibkosti i zashchity v trudovom prave Belarusi i Rossii: nastoiashchee i budushchee [Flexicurity in the labour law of Belarus and russia: presenr and future] Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshei shkoly ekonomiki, 4, pp. 154-161 (in Russian)
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