The journal "Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki" ("Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics") is an edition of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) to broaden the involvement of the university in the dissemination of legal culture and legal education.
The objectives of the journal include:
- encouraging academic debates
- publishing materials on the most topical legal problems
- contributing to the legal education reform and developing education including the design of new educational courses
- cooperation between educational and academic departments of HSE
- involvement of young scholars and university professors in the academic activity and professional establishment
- arranging panels, conferences, symposiums and similar events
The following key issues are addressed:
- Legal thought (history and contemporaneity)
- Portraits of Legal Scholars
- Russian law: reality, outlook, commentaries
- Law in the modern world
- Discussion club
- Reviews
The target audience of the journal comprises university professors, post-graduates, research scholars, expert community, legal practitioners and others who are interested in modern law and its interaction with economics.
The journal is recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for publication of scientific results of doctorate theses. It is indexed and referenced in Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index, Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on the base of Web of Science (К1), Cyberleninka, HeinOnline, Ulrichsweb, Open J-Gate, Gale, Consultant Plus, Garant.
The Journal is published quarterly and distributed in Russia, CIS countries, and abroad.