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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 14-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The volume of the pure text of the article is approximately 25-30 pages of typewritten text, not counting the abstract and list of references.
  • The article is structured: there is an introduction, the main part, divided into sections and a conclusion.
  • The title of the article is given in Russian and English
  • The article indicates the full name of the author(s), main affiliation, academic degree, academic title, email address and identification number.
  • The abstract is presented in Russian and English and has a volume of at least 250-300 words.
  • Keywords are presented in Russian and English. The required number of keywords is 6–10
  • Footnotes and references are correctly formatted in accordance with the title's requirements
  • The article does not contain self-references and self-citations.

Author Guidelines

The submitted articles should be original, not published before in other printed editions. The articles should be topical, novel, offer normative or analytic conclusions and follow the guidelines given below. If an article has an inappropriate layout, it is not accepted by the editorial board and is returned to the author for fine-tuning.

Articles should be submitted in the digital format via the registration form on page https://law-journal.hse.ru/about/submissions.

The address of the editorial office: 101000, Moscow, Bolshoy Trehsvyatitelsky per., bldg. 3, office 113. Manuscripts will not be returned.

The publication is free of charge. There are no submission fees, editorial processing charges, article processing charges, page charges, colour charges, or charges for withdrawing the article after submission.

Article Length

  • Articles should be between 45,000 and 65,000 signs (approximately 25-30 pages of typewritten text, not including abstract, and references). 
  • The text should be in Times New Roman 14 pt, 11 pt for footnotes, 1.5 spaced.
  • Please use consecutively numbered footnotes placed at the end of the relevant page.

The structure of the article must include the following mandatory elements:
1. Introduction, which discloses the subject of the study, hypothesis, and research methodology. The introduction is not numbered.
2. Main body. Divided into sections. May have subsections. Sections and subsections must have names. Sections are numbered with Arabic numerals 1,2,3…. Within the sections, the division is 1.1..1.2…1.3.
3. Conclusion, which presents the results of the study. The conclusion is not numbered. It does not repeat the provisions of the abstract and introduction verbatim.

Article Title

The title of the article is given in Russian and English. The title should be concise and informative.

Author Details

Information about the authors is provided at the end of the article in Russian and English:

  • Full name of each author.
  • The full name of the organization - the place of work of each author in the nominative case, its full postal address with zip code.
  • Academic degree, academic rank of each author. Administrative positions are not indicated.
  • E-mail address of each author and identification number.


The abstract to the article in Russian and English should be 250-300 words long, it should be logical (follow the logic of the description of the results in the article), and reflect the main content of the study (subject, objective, methodology, conclusions).
The abstract does not repeat information contained in the title of the article. Introductory phrases should be avoided (for example, "the author of the article considers ..."). Historical references, if they do not constitute the main content of the document, descriptions of previously published works, and well-known provisions are not given in the abstract. The provisions of the abstract are not repeated verbatim in the introduction and in the main text of the article.

Main body

Before sending the article to the editor, the text must be proofread by the author. It is recommended to refrain from a conversational-lecture style ("now let us turn to", "previously we have determined"...) and an imperative tone ("it is necessary to understand", "it is necessary to take into account"...). The use of the pronoun "we" is generally undesirable. Verbatim repetition of the provisions of the abstract and introduction is not allowed in the main text.


Key words are given in Russian and English. The required number of key words (phrases) is 6-10. Key words or phrases are separated from each other by a semicolon.

References and footnotes

It is important to distinguish between footnotes and references.
Footnotes may contain references to sources of publication of laws and other legal acts, judicial practice, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, news feed messages. Footnotes are formatted at the bottom of the page and have continuous numbering.
Федеральный закон от 12.01.1995 № 5-ФЗ (ред. от 19.12.2016) «О ветеранах» // СЗ РФ. 1995. № 3. Ст. 168.

References to scientific articles and monographs are given in the text in square brackets, indicating the author’s last name and initials, year of publication, and the page/page number separated by a colon.
Example: [Соколова  О.А., 2013: 78–80, 85].
References to printed publications from the last 10–20 years are preferred (except newspaper publications).

Self-references and self-citations are not allowed. Self-references are the placement of references to the author's publications in the Source Lists (see below). Self-citation is the placement of textual excerpts from the author's publications in the text of the article.

List of sources

It is given at the end of the article. Russian-language sources are indicated at the beginning of the List, followed by sources in foreign languages. Then comes the English-language List (References) of all sources used in the article. The Russian-language List is compiled according to the rules of the Russian alphabet (Cyrillic). Both Lists indicate only sources that are referenced in the text of the article. The Lists include exclusively scientific publications - books (primarily individual monographs), articles in specialized scientific journals, collections of articles, scientific reviews, dissertations, dissertation abstracts, conference materials. Textbooks and teaching aids are not scientific sources, so references to them are allowed only in exceptional cases. If the article and the List cite several publications by the same author, they are placed in chronological order. If one publication has more than three authors, the first three authors are indicated and then the following is written: "et al." The number of scientific sources in the Lists is at least 15.

Examples of the formatting of sources in Russian:
Жданов Д.В. Реорганизация акционерных обществ в Российской Федерации. М.: Статут, 2001. 206 с.
Кутузова Н.С. О роли нормативно-правовых актов программного характера // Российская юстиция. 2016. № 5. С. 9–11.

The wording "dissertation for the degree of candidate (doctor) of juridical sciences" is shortened to diss. Ph.D. (Doctor of Law) The abstract is abbreviated to "avtoref".

The name of the publishers is not given in the description of dissertations and abstracts.

Mandatory abbreviations for city designations in Russian: Moscow–М., Saint Petersburg – СПБ.

Examples of the formatting of sources in foreign languages:
Twining W. Globalization and legal theory. Cambridge: University Press, 2000. 296 р.
Scott C. Transnational law as a proto-concept. German Law Journal, 2009, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 859–876.

Rules for formatting of References
References are a list of scientific sources written in Latin script.
Sources in References are arranged exclusively in Latin alphabetical order, so the arrangement of sources may differ from their arrangement in the Russian-language List. The number of sources in References must match their number in the Russian-language List of Sources.
Bibliographic description of sources is provided in accordance with the Harvard citation system. Punctuation marks are placed according to the rules of the English language, quotation marks are not allowed.
In References, titles of books and periodicals are italicized. Titles of articles are not italicized. Elements of the description are usually separated by commas. Dashes, semicolons, and diagonal lines are not allowed.
Sources are described in References as follows:

Books (monographs) published in foreign languages ​​
The author's surname and initials are indicated sequentially; year of publication (in parentheses); title of the monograph (in italics); city ​​of publication (colon); publisher (comma); number of pages.
Richards K. (2000) Modern Study in the Parliamentary Supremacy. L.: Tavistock, 390 p.
When indicating book publishers, words such as: Publishers, Publishing, Publishing House, Company Limited are omitted.

Books published in Russian are formatted according to the same rules, but at the end of the description in parentheses is indicated: (in Russ.)
Zhdanov N.V. (2001) The reorganization of joint-stock companies in the Russian Federation. Moscow: Statut, 206 p. (in Russ.)
Note: titles of sources that are not of a problem-analytical nature (reference books, textbooks, manuals), as well as dissertations and abstracts, are not italicized.
Incomplete translations of the title of a journal or book are not allowed (for example, Law. Journal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki).
Bibliographic descriptions of books do not indicate: academic degrees, titles, positions of authors of books and prefaces to books, as well as editors (chief, responsible, scientific). Countries of publication and ISBN indexes are also not indicated. Phrases such as АО, ООО, ФГБОУ are not translated or transliterated into English.

Formation of articles published in a foreign language
The author's surname and initials are indicated sequentially; year of publication (in parentheses); the title of the monograph (in italics); city of publication (colon); publishing house (comma); pages.
Richards K. (2000) Modern Study in the Parliamentary Supremacy. L.: Tavistock, 390 p.
When specifying book publishers, words like: Publishers, Publishing, Publishing House, Company Limited, etc. fall.
Books published in Russian are formatted according to the same rules, but at the end of the description in parentheses : (in Russ.)
Zhdanov N.V. (2001) The reorganization of joint-stock companies in the Russian Federation. Moscow: Statut, 206 p. (in Russ.)

Note: the names of sources that do not have a problem-analytical nature (reference books, textbooks, manuals), as well as dissertations and essays are not italicized.

An incomplete translation of the title of a journal or book is not allowed (for example, Law. Journal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki).

Bibliographic descriptions of books do not indicate: academic degrees, titles, positions of authors of books and prefaces to books, as well as editors (chief, responsible, scientific ones). Countries of publication and ISBN indexes are also not indicated. Abbreviations like AO, LLC, FSBOU etc. are not translated or transliterated into English.

Petrov V.A. (2020) The development of legal terminology in the countries of Roman-German law. Obseratoria kultury=Observation of Culture, no. 5, pp. 23 -35 (in Russ.)
Information about the editor (chief, responsible, scientific, etc.) is given only in one case—in the absence of information about the author(s) of the source. The wording “ed.”, “general editor,” “scientific editor,” or “responsible editor” is not transliterated. Instead, after the editor’s surname and initials, ed. or eds. is written in parentheses. If the same source has more than three authors, the first three authors are indicated and then et al. is added.
The wording “dissertation for the degree of candidate (doctor) of legal sciences” is translated into English accordingly as:
Candidate of Juridical Sciences Thesis.
Doctor of Juridical Sciences Thesis.
The abstract is translated as Summary.
Candidate of Juridical Sciences Summary.

Acceptable abbreviations of city names in English: London–L., Paris– P., New York– N.Y.
The names of other cities are given without abbreviations.

Subject heading
Required — international classification codes JEL, DOI and UDC code.

Articles written in Russian or English are accepted for publication.

Privacy Statement

The Editorial board of the Journal and the administration of the website of the Journal do not transfer personal information in any way specified by the users when working with the website of the Journal to third parties, except for those cases and to the extent specified in the terms of the copyright agreement.

The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the Journal and in the section "about the authors" on the page of the article on the website of the Journal.

The phone number of the corresponding author will be known only to the editorial Board Secretariat and will only be used in cases of emergency.