Conceptualization of Exclusive Copyright Content

Keywords: intellectual rights, exclusive copyright, moral rights, substantive copyright, author, creativity, content


The historical, philosophical, social foundations of exclusive copyright in terms of its content are explored. The prerequisites for the formation of this institute are outlined. Copyright in Rus’ began with state printing houses created by Ivan IV to control the impeccability of biblical texts and counteract their malicious distortion by supporters of Uniatism, thus provoking popular unrest. Peter I Great pursued the same policy. Hence the censorship and censorship regulations and the well-known theory of the normative prehistory of the institution. Western European copyright law, at the stage of its formalization, served the interests of capital, and the system of rules representing the prototype of Russian copyright law, protected spirituality and statehood. The generally accepted history of copyright is critically analyzed. Versions of the origin of this (young, as is commonly believed) institution vary over several centuries. This discrepancy indicates a lack of an objective historical approach and prevents a comprehensive qualification. The struggle for ownership of the results of creativity, on the one hand, and against the monopoly of the copyright holder (state of appropriation), on the other, is qualified in the study as the main source of development of the content of exclusive copyright. From the point of functional analysis it seems promising to clarify the characteristics of the content of exclusive copyright and compare it with such related categories as the concept, structure, and system of exclusive copyright. Differences between the noted protective correlates are sometimes ignored in the modern doctrine of intellectual rights. An imperfect change of emphasis is emphasized: the category of content in the latest research is replaced by the category of the structure of exclusive rights. A conclusion is made about the need to develop a comprehensive concept of the content of exclusive copyright and approaches to its definition are outlined. The semantic meaning of the content of exclusive copyright is expressed in a legally established list of absolute property rights (the scope of subjective rights) to a work and in a system of methods for the economic exploitation of a given intellectual product that correlates with that list.

Author Biography

Dmitriy Bratus, Ural State Law University

Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor


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How to Cite
BratusD. (2024). Conceptualization of Exclusive Copyright Content. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 17(2), 114-143.
Russian Law: Condition, Perspectives, Commentaries