
Malika Arsanukaeva

Customary law Chechen and Ingush (XIX—beginning of XX centuries)

2009. No. 3. P. 101–111 [issue contents]

In the XIX century the Russian government collected, systematized and studied the rules of customary law of Caucasian highlanders (adats). Adats, regulated property relations got an official recognition and were applied by mountain verbal (folk), village (aul) and arbitral tribunals. Chechen and Ingush customary law were characterised by the multiplicity of actors, the equality of «their» — members of the indigenous genera (Taipei), the limited capacity of «outsiders», different rules in the mountains and on the plains, low developed of some institutions, low level of legal technology.

Citation: Arsanukaeva M. (2009) Obychnoe pravo chechentsev i ingushey (XIX—nach. XX vv.) [Customary law Chechen and Ingush (XIX—beginning of XX centuries)]. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 3, pp. 101-111 (in Russian)
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