@ARTICLE{26583261_26597764_2008, author = {Natalia Rostovtseva}, keywords = {, family members of the owner of the house, housing owner, family membershousing code}, title = {The Legal Status of the Members of the Family of the Lodging Proprietor}, journal = {}, year = {2008}, number = {2}, pages = {77-85}, url = {https://law-journal.hse.ru/en/2008--2/26597764.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {After adoption of the Housing Code the position of the several categories of individuals, including family members and former family members of the lodging proprietor, has worsened. The author considers that it is necessary to develop legislation defending their rights.}, annote = {After adoption of the Housing Code the position of the several categories of individuals, including family members and former family members of the lodging proprietor, has worsened. The author considers that it is necessary to develop legislation defending their rights.} }