Constitutional Law Mechanism for Russian Economic Policy

  • Michail Krasnov
Keywords: economic policy, economic strategy, political competition, subjects of developing economic policy, legal regulation of mechanism to develop economic policy


Krasnov Mikhail - Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Faculty of Law,National Research University Higher School of Economics, full professor, Doctor of Juridical Sciences. E-mail:
Address: National Research University — Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation.

The article considers the questions concerning public authority institutions and the regime of participating in the development of economic policy, regulation of the policy by legislation and the purpose of its regulation. The author also considers existing and relevant to modern Russian reality conditions to work out economic policy and opportunities to observe the requirement of succession. For the purposes of the paper, the author defines the economic policy of state as a system of legal, material, organizational and other legal measures to influence economic relations and their subjects to achieve strategic priorities, directions, objectives. The mechanism to work out economic policy is a system of interaction between the bodies of state power to determine strategic aims, priorities, tactic aims and means of political influence on economic relations. Firstly, the article considers political conditions to develop the economic policy of Russia. The analysis allows making a conclusion that the absence of political competition has led to the situation in which all significant economic and social reforms were carried out on a non-competitive basis, i.e. the conditions in which political decisions became technical. Secondly, the analysis has been conducted as to legislative regulation of the mechanism to work out economic policy primarily the federal law On state forecasting and programmes of social and economic development in the RF. The main part of the article deals with disclosing the subjects to work out Russian economic policy, i.e. President, government, parliament and the RF Central Bank. The part studies the competencies of each institution. The article arrives at a conclusion that the mechanism to develop economic policy in Russia is monosubjective. With some authorities relating to economic policy belong to the RF Government and federal executive bodies reporting to it, the RF Central Bank and the Federal Assembly, the dominating role to determine the major economic priorities belong to the RF President.

How to Cite
Krasnov M. (2012). Constitutional Law Mechanism for Russian Economic Policy. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (3), 62-80. Retrieved from
Russian Law: Condition, Perspectives, Commentaries