The Issues of Protecting Underwater Cultural Heritagein the Russian Federation

  • Igor' Anisimov HSE University
Keywords: management, domestic legislation, legal protection, underwater cultural heritage, reserve, underwater archaeological park, preservation, legal factors, in situ, criteria, cooperation, commercial exploitation


The article deals with the issues of protecting underwater cultural heritage in the Russian Federation.The subject-matter of the research are the factors affecting the preservation of the objects of underwatercultural heritage in Russia and the national legislation on protecting cultural heritage. The paper aimsto present the system analysis of the issues of Russian Federation underwater cultural heritage. Thearticle studies the reasons for arising the issues in this area, scrutinizes the factors affecting badly theobjects of underwater cultural heritage, in particular legal and non legal factors. The author shows thelack of terminological consistency in Russian legislation for underwater cultural heritage and individualapproach to register and catalogue them. Conclusions have been made that Russian Federation legalissues may cause damage or loss of an object of underwater cultural heritage as a valuable sourceof knowledge on historical and cultural past of the country. The article analyzes the topical nationallegislation on protecting underwater cultural heritage as well as normative acts 73-FZ On the objectsof underwater cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the Russian Federation Peoplesof 2002, Russian Federation Criminal Code. A case from the practice of discovering and registration ofsunk vessels and underwater artifacts in the water area of the Gulf of Finland has been shown. Hence,a conclusion has been made on the urgency to reconsider and amend Russian legislation in the areaof cultural heritage. The author makes recommendations to improve normative acts to protect culturalheritage and managing underwater cultural heritage.
How to Cite
AnisimovI. (2014). The Issues of Protecting Underwater Cultural Heritagein the Russian Federation. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (3), 136-143. Retrieved from
Russian Law: Condition, Perspectives, Commentaries