@ARTICLE{26583261_55155772_2011, author = {K. Tomashevskiy}, keywords = {, flexibility, security, flexicurity, labour law, employee, employer, labour law policy, labour legislation, labour relations, labour marketlocal and individual contract regulation}, title = {Flexicurity in the labour law of Belarus and russia: presenr and future}, journal = {}, year = {2011}, number = {4}, pages = {154-161}, url = {https://law-journal.hse.ru/en/2011--4/55155772.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article analyzes a topical for the modern labour law problem of flexicurity policy.Based on the papers of foreign and Russian legal academics the author investigates the na­ture of flexicurity, formulates its features and makes up its definition. The article also stud­ies the current situation with the flexicurity policy in the Republic of Belarus and includes a comparative analysis with the legislation of the Russian Federation.}, annote = {The article analyzes a topical for the modern labour law problem of flexicurity policy.Based on the papers of foreign and Russian legal academics the author investigates the na­ture of flexicurity, formulates its features and makes up its definition. The article also stud­ies the current situation with the flexicurity policy in the Republic of Belarus and includes a comparative analysis with the legislation of the Russian Federation.} }