@ARTICLE{26583261_55152021_2011, author = {Rodion Belkovich}, keywords = {, coercion, authority, obedience, political obligation, legitimacylegality}, title = {Is there a duty to obey the law?}, journal = {}, year = {2011}, number = {4}, pages = {33-51}, url = {https://law-journal.hse.ru/en/2011--4/55152021.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article focuses on the problem of a political obligation, which stands for the (con­troversial) duty of a person, located within the borders of a given state, to obey the legalcommands of that state’s authorities (commands that primarily take the form of written law). The article provides a survey and a critical analysis of the main theories of politicalobligation existing in the contemporary foreign legal doctrine.}, annote = {The article focuses on the problem of a political obligation, which stands for the (con­troversial) duty of a person, located within the borders of a given state, to obey the legalcommands of that state’s authorities (commands that primarily take the form of written law). The article provides a survey and a critical analysis of the main theories of politicalobligation existing in the contemporary foreign legal doctrine.} }