
I. Bogdanovskaya, L. Tereshchenko, O. Afanasyeva, S. Danilov

Access to public information as a requisite for transparency in a constitutional state.

2010. No. 4. P. 145–156 [issue contents]

Transactions of Round Table at XI International Conference on the problems of the development of economy and society in the State University – Higher School of Econo­mics, 2010.

Citation: Bogdanovskaya I., Tereshchenko L., Afanasyeva O., Danilov S. (2010) Pravo na dostup k publichnoy informatsii kak uslovie razvitiya transparentnosti gosudarstva [Access to public information as a requisite for transparency in a constitutional state.]. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 4, pp. 145-156 (in Russian)
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