@ARTICLE{26583261_55178993_2010, author = {Е. Mishina}, keywords = {, judiciary, separation of powers, institutional independence, decisional independencejudicial activism}, title = {AMERICAN EXPERIENCE OF PROVIDING JUDGES PERSONAL INDEPEN¬DENCE}, journal = {}, year = {2010}, number = {4}, pages = {119-133}, url = {https://law-journal.hse.ru/en/2010--4/55178993.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {This article focuses on the American experience of guaranteeing decisional indepen­dence of judges. Historically the United States turned to be the pioneer in the area of leg­islative regulation of the status of judiciary power. With forming the normative base of bothfunctioning of judiciary and the status of judges the following factor (which was repeatedlyemphasized by the Founding Fathers) was taken into consideration: actual separation of powers is impossible without independent judiciary, and thus institutional independence ofjudiciary is impossible without decisional independence of individual judges. The articleincludes some comments of American judges regarding the essence generating prestige andinstitutional independence of the American judiciary and the qualities necessary for a goodjudge. The article also describes the doctrine of judicial activism.}, annote = {This article focuses on the American experience of guaranteeing decisional indepen­dence of judges. Historically the United States turned to be the pioneer in the area of leg­islative regulation of the status of judiciary power. With forming the normative base of bothfunctioning of judiciary and the status of judges the following factor (which was repeatedlyemphasized by the Founding Fathers) was taken into consideration: actual separation of powers is impossible without independent judiciary, and thus institutional independence ofjudiciary is impossible without decisional independence of individual judges. The articleincludes some comments of American judges regarding the essence generating prestige andinstitutional independence of the American judiciary and the qualities necessary for a goodjudge. The article also describes the doctrine of judicial activism.} }