@ARTICLE{26583261_74886346_2009, author = {M. Krasnov}, keywords = {}, title = {IS INQUIRY OF A DEPUTY CAPABLE TO BE AN IN STRUMENT OF PARLIA¬MENTARY CON TROL?}, journal = {}, year = {2009}, number = {4}, pages = {16-32}, url = {https://law-journal.hse.ru/en/2009--4/74886346.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article is devoted to inquiry of a deputy as a control function of the legislativebranch, and to its regulation in the Russian legislation. The author looks at deputy inquiryas at a form of deputy activities in the State Duma and as of guarantee of activity of theState Duma itself. He studies a correlation between inquiry of individual deputy and a par­liamentary one, content of inquiry, legal regulation of answering such inquiries.}, annote = {The article is devoted to inquiry of a deputy as a control function of the legislativebranch, and to its regulation in the Russian legislation. The author looks at deputy inquiryas at a form of deputy activities in the State Duma and as of guarantee of activity of theState Duma itself. He studies a correlation between inquiry of individual deputy and a par­liamentary one, content of inquiry, legal regulation of answering such inquiries.} }