@ARTICLE{26583261_74886328_2009, author = {P. Barenboim}, keywords = {}, title = {HEMINGWAY OF RU SSIAN JURISPRUDENCE: THE PORTRAIT OF PROFESĀ¬SOR AUGU ST MISHIN}, journal = {}, year = {2009}, number = {4}, pages = {12-15}, url = {https://law-journal.hse.ru/en/2009--4/74886328.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The portrait of professor Mishin — the famous constitutionalist — is given in the ar­ticle. Professor Mishin played significant role in the development of constitutional ideas inRussia and strongly influenced on the contemporary generation of Russian lawyers.}, annote = {The portrait of professor Mishin — the famous constitutionalist — is given in the ar­ticle. Professor Mishin played significant role in the development of constitutional ideas inRussia and strongly influenced on the contemporary generation of Russian lawyers.} }