Temporary Legislation as an Instrument of Accelerated Development of Society

Keywords: law, accelerated development, time, temporary legislation, mandatory requirements, experimental legal regimes


Forced social dynamics and strategic orientation towards accelerated technological and socio-economic development, as well as a new normative model of the temporary organization of social relations, reflected in legislation with a deliberately limited period of validity, legislation on experimental legal regimes, legislation on mandatory requirements, objectively actualize the appeal to issues temporal aspects in law, its potential from the point of view of “management” of time, as a policy tool for the accelerated development of society. The perception of time as a critically important and at the same time underestimated and little-studied instrument of legal regulation transfers this issue from the category of self-evident or legal-technical to essential. The demand for its study and solution, combined with the scientific background formed as a result of understanding anti-pandemic, anti-sanction, anti-crisis regulation, opens up the possibility of reassessing the time factor in the general mechanism of legal regulation. The article pays special attention to such a relatively new phenomenon for modern legal orders as temporary legislation, and its attributive characteristics, including in a comparative legal context. In connection with the need to adapt legal systems to the atypical mobility of social life, further prospects and limits for the use of rules are assessed, which, in their focus and content, do not require normative fixation for an indefinite period by default, but, on the contrary, require periodic and systematic revision and correction. The adaptability of temporary legal regimes to rapidly changing social or technological conditions and extraordinary scenarios of social development makes it possible to predict a wider use of the potential of temporary regulations in innovative, high-tech areas in order to implement scenarios for accelerated development of society. The author's normatively formalized proposals for identifying temporary normative regulations are reflected in the latest edition of the initiative draft federal law on normative acts developed by the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Author Biography

Fatima Tsomartova, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Candidate of Sciences (Law), Leading Researcher


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How to Cite
TsomartovaF. (2024). Temporary Legislation as an Instrument of Accelerated Development of Society. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 17(4), 4-27. https://doi.org/10.17323/2072-8166.2024.4.4.27
Legal Thought: History and Modernity