Issues of Professional Upgrading Among State and Municipal Employees
Kamolov Sergey - Head of the Legal Department, Ministry of State Administration, information technologies of communication of the Moscow Region, PhD (Economics)
Address: Krasnogorsk-7, Bulvar Stroiteley, 1, 143407, Moscow, Russian Federation
Korzhov I. - Head of the Legal Department, Ministry of State Administration, information technologies of communication of the Moscow Region
Address: Krasnogorsk-7, Bulvar Stroiteley, 1, 143407, Moscow, RF
The competence and qualification of state officials in Russia in the context of modern requirements determines quality and efficiency of state administration in Russia. The changing reality affects the requirements to state and municipal officials – the main instrument of state in the regulation of public processes. The paramount value among the criteria is seen in the skill to take and implement optimal decisions. The authors examine the federal program Reforming and developing system of RF State Service, 2009 – 2013 and the RF President’s Decree On the Major Trends in Improving the System of State Administration, 2012. Describing the shortage of competent administrators, the authors specify the causes of this phenomenon: 1) lack of the codified system of legal acts on state service, 2) education of officials for courts, prosecution offices, police internally and 3) inferior quality of education in other commercial educational centres. The proportion of disciplines to prepare administrators in Russia’s humanitarian universities makes up only ten per cent. The authors suggest and justify practical solutions. They suggest starting the reform of state and municipal services at the regional level and specify its results in legal documents. This will let effectively arrange an integrated legal basis for all levels and chains of state and municipal bodies. It is required to codify stricter approach to tasting knowledge in law and economics when hiring a state official with the requirement of having sufficient information and communication skills.