Dissertation Papers on Criminal Law Defended at Russian Empire Universities (1815–1917)
Loba Vsevolod - Interim Vice Rector on Science and Innovations, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy, LLD. E-mail: vsevolodka@inbox.ru
Address R. Luxemburg St., 159, 352901, Armavir, Krasnodar region
Safronova Elena - Professor, Department of Theory and History of Law, Belgorod State University, Doctor of Jurisprudence.
Address: Pobedy St., 85, 30815, Belgorod
Yakushev Alexander - Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, International Innovation University, Doctor of History
The aim of the authors is to make an outline and thematic classification of works of Russian criminal lawyers who defended their dissertations on criminal law at the Universities of the Russian Empire between 1815 and 1917. The objectives of the article include collection, processing, commenting factual data on ‘dissertation load’ of universities, subject matters of dissertation research, official opponents. The statistics has incorporated the data from seven universities in Kazan, Moscow, Novorossiysk, Petersburg, Tomsk, and Kharkov. The information on the universities at Derpt and Vilno is lacking. As a basis for the classification, the current structure of Russian criminal law was taken. It was divided into 22 subsections. On the basis of summing up the material, the authors have made the following conclusions. The priority on defending dissertations on this branch belonged to Moscow and Petersburg universities. The classification of subjects has allowed to establish that the majority of dissertations on the history of criminal law institutions (15 of 90). The second place is taken by the research of crimes (9 dissertations) and the third place is taken by the research of fundamentals of criminal law (7 dissertations in every subsection of the classification). A fewer number of dissertations were devoted to the subjective nature of crimes, crimes against honour and dignity and the measure of restraint (3 dissertations on each subject), on proving at a criminal process, crimes against religion, relief from punishment and liability (2 dissertation on each subject). The least number of dissertations concerned the objective aspect of crime and judicial statistics (one on each subject). As to participating as an opponent, professor I. Foynitskiy from Petersburg University participated most frequently. Official opponents on criminal law often had specialization in civil law, international law and political science. In some cases the opponents had no academic degree. These facts are considered by the authors as a proof of high professional background of legal scholars.