“Arab Spring” and Islamic Legal Though

  • Leonid Syukiyaynen HSE University
Keywords: Islamic law, Islam, political reforms, fiqh revolutions, Arab Spring, Sharia law, demonstrations, new concept


Syukiyainen Leonid  - Professor, Department of Theory and Law and Comparative Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Doctor of Juridical Sciences. Address: 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. Email: leosyk@mail.ru.

Since the end of 2010, many Arab countries have entered the period of political crises and radical changes referred to as the Arab spring. Islam has played its part in this process but overall, it was not the major factor which triggered these events. At the same time, the political development of the most countries in question before the Arab spring was characterized with the fact that Islam was used as an ideological weapon by the opposition. Though the Islamic political forces which used religious rhetoric were not the initiators of toppling the regimes, they managed to gain momentum and usurp power in some countries such as Tunisia and Egypt. Having become political leaders with actual powers, the Islamic forces did not cease to address the Islamic legal rhetoric to justify its political course. The role of Islamic ideology in political competition increased even more. Several major conceptions of the modern Islamic thought may be distinguished. They are different primarily Sharia criteria underlying each of the conceptions. The choice of the guidelines is characterized by the influence of certain Islamic leaders and religious centers on the government. Interwoven theoretical and political guidelines are well noticed in the approach to the modern Islamic legal thought to the problems which generated the Arab spring and the ideological debates on it. There is a set of topics with two dominating, i.e. the Sharia attitude to demonstrations and the Islamic view of protests against the political regime. Some Muslim political experts and lawyers consider demonstrations unacceptable, other use various Sharia arguments supporting mass protests in the streets. These differences show the overall attitude of the government. The Arab spring triggered a new trend in the Islamic legal doctrine referred to as fiqh revolution. Gradually, it may evolve into part of the modern Islamic political and legal thought.

How to Cite
SyukiyaynenL. (2013). “Arab Spring” and Islamic Legal Though. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (1), 16-37. Retrieved from https://law-journal.hse.ru/article/view/20814
Legal thought: history and contemporarity