Forensic Methods as a Prerequisite to Arrange Investigation of Crimes Connected with Illegal Corporate Raids

  • Alexander Shatalov
Keywords: criminality, merger, acquisition, forensic science, forensic methods, forensic support, illegal corporate raid, preliminary investigation, corporate raid, modus operandi


Shatalov Alexander - Professor, Department of Judicial Power and Justice, Law Faculty, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Doctor of Juridical Sciences. E-mail:
Address: National Research University — Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation.

The author considers criminal maintenance as a prerequisite for investigating crimes relating to corporate seizure. Having outlined the major trends in criminal process maintenance, he defines it as a complex of organizational, legal, information measures intended for teaching and applying criminal study knowledge (instructions) and methods in the activity of investigation, operational investigations and expert departments of the RF internal affairs bodies as their employees are assigned with revealing, and preventing such crimes. The illegal seizure of a corporation is understood as an illegal way of acquiring commercial organizations. Its aim is to acquire rights to the possession and powers relating to them by means of violation, threat to use violation or fraud. Nowadays, appropriate criminal process maintenance is one of prerequisites for a successful investigation, with a significant increase in the number of crimes aimed at illegal corporate seizures. The article develops the idea that this maintenance may efficiently promote to making the investigation unbiased and find out all the circumstances of the illegal seizure. The range of crimes aimed at the seizure is wide. Their list will lack completeness, as the crimes vary qualitively and quantitavely. This circumstance has let the author restrict to distinguishing only key guidelines as to criminal maintenance of investigation of all such crimes as a group of criminal deeds. Hence, the article examines general questions of investigating corporate raids, legal and information maintenance as well as use of special knowledge.

How to Cite
Shatalov A. (2011). Forensic Methods as a Prerequisite to Arrange Investigation of Crimes Connected with Illegal Corporate Raids. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (1), 65-72. Retrieved from
Russian law: conditions, perspectives, commentaries