Problems Interpreting Criminal Legislation on Liability for Crimes against Intellectual Property

  • Alexander Kozlov HSE University
Keywords: criminal liability, interpretation of law, crimes against intellectual property, misappropriation of authorship, plagiarism, major damage, repeated illegal use of trade-mark


Kozlov Alexander - Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Process, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Nizhny Novgorod campus). Address: 30 Sormovskoye Highway, Nizhny Novgorod, 603014, Russian Federation.

The article deals with the problems of interpreting criminal legislation on liability for crimes against intellectual property rights provided in Articles 146, 147, 180 and 183 of theRussian Federation Criminal Code. The author attempts to explain the meaning of terms: misappropriation of authorship causing major damage; repeated illegal use of trademark and warning label; theft of documents containing trade secrets etc.

How to Cite
KozlovA. (2013). Problems Interpreting Criminal Legislation on Liability for Crimes against Intellectual Property. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (2), 39-47. Retrieved from