Guarantees to Exercise the Rightto Health Protection and Medical Carein the Russian Federationand Opportunities for Cooperationwithin BRICS
BRICS, quality of medical care, guaranties, health care, international cooperation
The human right to health protection implies an overall constitutional duty of the state to assist the enforcementand ensuring of this right by means of medical care provision and other “positive” activities: protection and suppressionof attempts to interfere and entrench on the right; control of healthcare by public authorities; significantinterference into healthcare delivery. Reasoning from this fact guarantees of enforcement of the right to healthprotection in the Russian Federation can be divided into two main groups: 1) medical guarantees related toavailability and work of medical organizations, and 2) state guarantees related to the creation of conditionsunder which human health and right to health protection will be ensured and protected to the maximum extent.Therefore, the real effect of guarantees of the right to health protection in Russia is far from ideal. The Russianlaw-makers try to approximate the domestic statutory acts to the international legal standards in this sphere.However, these actions are not efficient enough. The new incitement for the improvement of the situation in thisarea can be the extension of international cooperation within BRICS allowing to work out сo-decisions about theproblems of improvement of quality and availability of medical care; improvement of quality of medical education;increase of healthcare management control of the propriety of the delivery of the guaranteed scope of freemedical care; liquidation of corrupt practices in the system of healthcare management.
How to Cite
AkulinaT. (2014). Guarantees to Exercise the Rightto Health Protection and Medical Carein the Russian Federationand Opportunities for Cooperationwithin BRICS. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (3), 190-197. Retrieved from
Law in the Modern World