Portraits of Russian Legal Scholars: S.S. Ostroumov

  • L Savjuk


S.S. Ostroumov — a prominent scientist in the field of judicial statistics, criminology and judicial-accounting expertise — Cand.Econ.Sc., a Doctor of Law, professor of faculty of law of Moscow State University; the author of about 200 scientific works. He was not an armchair scientist; the practical aspect is expressively presented in his works. They combine scientific aspirations and rich life experience of the author in the sphere of the social control over crime. S.S. Ostroumov combined the talent of a scientist, a teacher, a person of wide culture and unique mind; he placed rational knowledge above practical power and devoted all his life to them. His lectures caused admiration and were very popular among students and practitioners.
How to Cite
SavjukL. (2009). Portraits of Russian Legal Scholars: S.S. Ostroumov. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (2), 10-19. Retrieved from https://law-journal.hse.ru/article/view/20609
Legal thought: history and contemporarity