French copyright as part of current European copyright

  • Valeriya Lebed' (Efremova) Institute of State and Law, 10 Znamenka Str., Moscow, 119019, Russian Federation
Keywords: French Copyright Law, Code of intellectual property, author, criteria for the protection of works, European copyright, content of copyright, term of protection, works of science, literature and art, software


Valeria Lebed’ (Efremova)  - Senior Researcher, Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD (Law), Institute ofState and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
Address: Institute of State and Law, 119019 Moscow,Znamenka, 10, Russian Federation. 

How to Cite
Lebed’ (Efremova) V. (2011). French copyright as part of current European copyright. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (4), 167-181. Retrieved from