The Consumer Rights Bill and Software Liability: An Evolution or Revolution?

  • Roksana Moore University of Southampton, Great Britain
Keywords: software liability, defects, comsumer rights, software licencing


Moore Roksana - Lecturer in Information technology and Intellectual property law at University of Southampton. Address: the University of Southampton, Great Britain. E-mail:

Recognition of the need for software liability and suitable legislation is not new, with the Computer (Compensation for Damage) Bill 1990 demonstrating an early attempt to legislate. Almost 25 years later and the UK has taken its most decisive step forwards to date in the form of the Consumer Rights Bill (CRB) 2013. The draft CRB forms part of a wider initiative intended to clarify consumer rights within the digital age. This includes the Consumer Rights Directive, and clear ambitions to enhance cross-border trade by establishing a Common European Sales law. Whilst the aim of the initiative is to provide greater harmonisation and certainty for consumers in alignment with a digital single market, this paper will evaluate whether the draft CRB is suitable to deal with the intended challenges or whether further legislation will be required.

How to Cite
MooreR. (2013). The Consumer Rights Bill and Software Liability: An Evolution or Revolution?. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 46-52. Retrieved from
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