On the State Regulation of Alcohol Market

  • Inna Panova HSE University
  • V.M. Erokhin


The article deals with the conceptual model of state regulation of production and turnoverof alcoholic products based on the systemic and complex application of administrativeand legal forms and methods of regulation, as well as mechanisms of public control andself-regulation, with the interaction of state authorities with subjects not endowed withstate-power authorities, but fulfilling certain functions of public legal nature, namely withself-regulating organizations and public associations. Currently, the main tasks of stateregulation of production and turnover of alcoholic products are to reduce the shadowmarket segment, protect the morality and health of citizens, as well as reduce the levelof consumption of alcoholic beverages. In the current conditions of the development ofthe alcohol industry, the administrative bodies will not be able to solve these tasks andcompletely legalize the alcohol market without interacting with its participants and society,which will require further modernization of the system of state regulation of the industry.It is substantiated that the development of self-regulation and public control mechanismsis an objective necessity of introducing new forms of struggle against illegal turnover ofalcoholic products in the system of state regulation of the alcohol market. Public controland self-regulation will reduce the degree of excessive state interference in the alcoholindustry, increase efficiency and optimize state control, ensure the balance of state,public and private interests, take into account the position of the business community inmaking decisions on the regulation of the alcohol market. In order for self-regulation tobe an effective and effective tool in the mechanism of administrative and legal regulationof the turnover of alcoholic beverages, the state should create conditions for encouragingmarket participants to voluntarily unite in self-regulating organizations. Meanwhile, atpresent the legislator does not create mechanisms that motivate the development ofvoluntary self-regulation in the alcohol market. To develop this form of self-regulation,which is the most acceptable for the alcohol industry, it is necessary to introduce anadministrative-legal regime to stimulate market participants. In addition, the existinginstruments of public control do not allow fully exerting regulatory influence on legalrelations in the production and turnover of alcoholic beverages, since the legislation doesnot sufficiently define the legal basis for their activities. The necessity of establishing inthe law the procedure for exercising public control on the alcohol market is substantiated.
How to Cite
PanovaI., & ErokhinV. (2018). On the State Regulation of Alcohol Market. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (1), 158-174. https://doi.org/10.17323/2072-8166.2018.1.158.174
Russian law: conditions, perspectives, commentaries