I.A. Ilyin on Violence and Different Forms of Forced Exposure

  • Leonid Savyuk HSE University
  • F. Grebenkin


The article reflects the topicality of the research and the history of the problem of origin and existenceof violence in human society and its consequences as violence is considered to be one of the mostacute ills in the world and remains one of the most dangerous phenomena against society, the scopeof which cannot be measured or evaluated. Hence, the paper justifies the necessity to study the ideasof the Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin’ on this issue and examines his works on the causes and origin ofthe concept of violence, the balance between law and force and other forms of forced exposure: forcing,coercion, suppression and compulsion, and their delimitation; and refuting the position of Lev Tolstoyand his proponents on nonresistance to evil by force. Unfortunately, the academic legacy of Ilyin,whose ideas on the issues remain relevant in modern Russia, are frequently neglected in the works ofcriminal science researchers. The paper presents philosopher’s opinions in particular competition andinward impulses, which is in line with the current criminal law theory. The article concludes that Ilyinexpressed his view, not coinciding with the views of other scientists, as he separated physical coercion,violence and evil, believing that any human exposure causing harm is evil violence. However, if it is notillegal, it is not violence and it is necessary to refer it to other forms of forced exposure. Besides, thearticle presents Ilyin’s criticism of the non-resistance theory, victory of the good over the evil. The limitsof the paper do not enable to cover all Ilyin’s philosophical views but the authors hope that after consideringconstructive criticism and recommendations they will return to the plentiful source of knowledge,and ideas represented by the legacy of the Russian lawyer and philosopher.
How to Cite
SavyukL., & GrebenkinF. (2017). I.A. Ilyin on Violence and Different Forms of Forced Exposure. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (2), 30-47. https://doi.org/10.17323/2072-8166.2017.2.30.47