Financial Safety within Hierarchy of Strategic Planning Purposes in Russian Federation
finance, strategic governance, economic safety, financial safety
Unlike national security, the notion of financial safety got into the light spot of the lawscience only recently and today there is a discussion in the publications on the place offinancial safety in the legal regulation. By now, there are a few achievements of economicscience should be transformed in the legal form. Social science has ascertained theexistence of the interrelation and hierarchy «national safety» — «economic safety» —«financial safety», which means among other that advancing the financial safety does notmake sense if it does not promote the level of economic safety. Financial safety cannotbe a separated object of legal regulation outside this hierarchy. Procurement of financialsafety already exists in the framework of economic and national safety. Financial safetyhas all the qualities of strategic purposes: priority and “trajectory”. The understandingof financial safety as a strategic purpose resembles the ideas of cooperation and trust,which form the basis of contemporary model of safety. This already existing situationcan be reflected in the strategic planning documents. Including the financial safety instrategic documents as a purpose is one of the options for legal regulation of the financialsafety in Russia. The Federal Law “On strategic planning in Russian Federation” providesall the opportunities to solve all the tasks of legal regulation of financial safety in strategicdocuments. By this time there are not enough reasons for a special law on financial safetyas it can destroy the mentioned hierarchy and will fall out of the system of legal regulation.For citation: Kudryashova E.V. (2019) Financial Safety within Hierarchy of Strategic Planning Purposes of the Russian Federation. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 2, pp. 124–138 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17-323/2072-8166.2019.2.124.138
How to Cite
KudryashovaE. (2019). Financial Safety within Hierarchy of Strategic Planning Purposes in Russian Federation. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (2), 124-138.
Russian Law: Condition, Perspectives, Commentaries