Factor Analysis of Reforming the Legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic

  • Zura Chikeeva Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, 44 Kievskaya Str., Bishkek, 720000, Kyrgyz Republic


The article features major tendencies of reforming the legislation in context of legal reform in the Kyrgyz Republic. The works of legal scholars concerning the influence of various factors on the transformation in the legislation have been analyzed. Practical significance of the influence on the Kyrgyz Republic’s legislation development has been researched. The analysis of pluralism of legal theories allows identifying the main social factors influencing the development of the Kyrgyz Republic’s legislation.The legislation of the Republic develops in the conditions of a dynamic evolution of social relations. Therefore, legal reform as a complex of radical changes in the legal system which is carried out forthe formation of the democratic state becomes very importance. Legal reform has to be carried out by a purpose-oriented, developed and planned activity. One of the main components of legal reformis the reform of the national legislation. At the same time, it should be noted that legal reform cannotbe effective without social factors which influence the system of legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic. Inthis regard, the theoretical-legal analysis of these factors gains a special relevance. In legal theory, thequestion of the factors that influence the formation of the legislation is debatable. It is common knowledgethat the legislation is a fundamental basis of legal system. The legislation of the Kyrgyz Republicis determined by the law-forming factors of substantial and ideological character. Adequate reflection of the existing public relations in the legislation, defining the ways of their regulation are possible only in case of the identification of a circle of the operating factors and determining the real roles of each ofthem. In the Kyrgyz Republic, the development of the legislation is influenced by the following major (external) factors: political, social-economic, national, theoretical-ideological, sociocultural, administrative and international. Social factors of the legislation influence the possibility of identifying needs for legal regulation, development, acceptance, change or cancellation of laws, their contents and application.Thus, the dynamics of social factors is directly reflected in the features of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic development.
How to Cite
ChikeevaZ. (2015). Factor Analysis of Reforming the Legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (2), 166-174. Retrieved from https://law-journal.hse.ru/article/view/20332