Axiological Aspects of State Control and Supervision

  • S.A. Agamagomedova
Keywords: deregulation, value, state control and supervision, values protected by law, public administration, administrative reform, objectives of control and supervisory activities


The subject of research is state control and supervision from the point of view of axiologicalapproaches. The first level of the latter makes it possible to determine value of state controland supervision as administrative forms; the second level forms variants of theoreticaland legal substantiation of the correlation between the control and supervisory activitiesof the state and the totality of values protected by law. The aim of the article is to proposemethodological techniques for determining the value of state control and supervision,which is understood as the importance of these institutions in the public administrationsystem as a whole in the context of the possibility of using other administrative formsto achieve regulatory goals. The value of the control and supervisory activities of thestate is substantiated from the point of view of the possibility of replacing state controland supervision with other regulatory mechanisms within the framework of deregulationprocesses (horizontal approach), as well as taking into account previous development of these administrative forms (evolutionary approach). Value of state control andsupervision is seen as the ability to ensure the protection of legally protected values withminimal interference of public authorities in controlled activities. Value of the consideredmanagement forms is substantiated using the category of deregulation, which isunderstood as: process of development of a certain sphere of social relations; process ofdelegating state powers; trends to expanding the freedom of subjects, transition to “soft”regulation; process of reducing and simplifying administrative procedures (proceduralderegulation). Determination of the value of state control and supervision is associatedwith the justification of the possibility of replacing these management forms with othersin relation to a certain area of regulation, which determines a specific ratio of variousmanagement forms and mechanisms. From the point of view of evolutionary approach,value of state control and supervision is determined by the previous development of theseadministrative forms in the system of state power. Within the framework of the theoreticaland legal substantiation of the category “values protected by law” in the system of statecontrol and supervision, a variety of positions are highlighted. As a conclusion, a modernformula is proposed: state control and supervision — socially significant results —mandatory requirements — values protected by law.
For citation: Agamagomedova S.A. (2021) Axiological Aspects of State Control and Supervision. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 1, pp. 37–61 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17323/2072-8166.2021.1.37.61
How to Cite
AgamagomedovaS. (2021). Axiological Aspects of State Control and Supervision. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (1), 37-61.
Legal thought: history and contemporarity