Economic Activities and Status of Legal Entities

  • Anatoliy Efimov
Keywords: legal status, corporate governance, legal entity, economic activity, legal environment of business, differentiation of legal regulation, functional dependence, corporate social responsibility, insolvency, state regulation of the economy


The article deals with the aspects of the dependence of the legal status of legal entities on their economic indicators. In the context of discussions about the problems of ensuring the differentiation (flexibility) of the legal regulation of economic activity, a key question is raised about the construction of legal norms that link economic indicators with the legal status of legal entities. In this regard, some legally significant economic indicators are analyzed and the possibility of their constant accounting and monitoring is studied, and some examples demonstrate the relationship of economic indicators with legal consequences that determine the legal status. The purpose of the study is to formulate research provisions: on the functional dependence of the legal status of legal entities on economic indicators; on the legal and individual regulation of economic activity, where economic indicators should be considered; on the construction of flexible norms of law that link the economic indicators of legal entities with the consequences that determine their legal status. When writing the article, the author applied both general scholar methods (systemic, game theory, functional, a group of formal logical methods: deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, etc.) and special legal methods (formal legal, comparative legal, economic analysis of law, legal modeling method). The paper concludes that there is a need for a consistent and systematic differentiation of the legal regulation of the economic activity of legal entities. A functional approach to the construction of legal norms is substantiated, in which the norm is considered as a dependence (function) of certain legal consequences, enshrined in dispositions or sanctions that determine the legal status of legal entities, on economic indicators that are achieved by legal entities because of their activities. A unified system for disclosing information about legal entities is proposed, based on which it would be possible to record economic indicators of legal entities within one information resource. The applied value of the relationship between economic indicators and the legal status of legal entities is shown by examples of regulation of corporate relations, insolvency, and individual state regulation of economic activity.
For citation: Efimov A.V. (2022) Economic Activities and Status of Legal Entities. Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, vol.15, no. 3, pp. 72–95 (in Russ.). DOI:10.17323/2072- 8166.2022.3.72.95.
How to Cite
EfimovA. (2022). Economic Activities and Status of Legal Entities. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (3), 72-95.
Russian law: conditions, perspectives, commentaries