Forming Strategies of Intellectual Property Development to Overcome Administrative Barriers

  • L. Novoselova
  • O.S. Grin'
Keywords: intellectual property rights, administrative barriers, strategic planning, national strategies, intellectual property defense, commercialization of intellectual property


The article reviews the issues related to development and implementation of nationalstrategies (national programs) as strategic planning tools in the field of intellectualproperty in Russia. Various research methods were applied in the course of this study,including systems analysis, technical legal and comparative legal approaches. Draftingand implementation of a national strategic program is one of the main priorities in theprocess of removing legal hurdles that impede the development of intellectual propertyin Russia Our focus is on analyzing international best practice in drafting strategicplans; we pay particular attention to world’s leading economies in terms of technologyand innovation, such as China, the United States and Japan, as well as certain CIScountries. Apart from examining the strategies per se, the arrangements related todevelopment, implementation, amending and monitoring pertaining to such strategiesare also reviewed. The study indicates that despite the approaches to strategic plansdevelopment varying widely across jurisdictions, almost all of them succeed in facilitating innovation through institutional means. Prospects of drafting and implementation of sucha strategy in Russia are also considered. The study reveals that existing drafts of strategicplans do not meet the challenge of defining a comprehensive policy, are created in anad hoc manner, lack complexity and contain major contradictions. The study highlightsthe following administrative hurdles hindering the development of a national intellectualproperty strategy: departmental approach to development, lack of proper public debate,insufficient governmental focus on organizational arrangements.
For citation: Novoselova L.A, Grin O.S. (2020) Forming Strategies of Intellectual Property Development to Overcome Administrative Barriers. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 2, pp. 4–27 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17323/2072-8166.2020.2.4.27
How to Cite
NovoselovaL., & Grin’O. (2020). Forming Strategies of Intellectual Property Development to Overcome Administrative Barriers. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (2), 4-27.