Frontier of Biology and Horizons of Jurisprudence: Influence of Studies in Nature of Human Aggression on Development of Criminal Justice

  • Dmitry Bakharev Tyumen State University, 6 Volodarsky Str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia
Keywords: court, criminal justice, cognitive neuroscience, behavioral genetics, biosocial criminology, aggression, death penalty, monoamine oxidase A (MAOA)


The breakthrough in neurobiology and molecular genetics over the last decades has made the problem of understanding the neural and genetic basis of socially significant behaviour more topical. As a result, an increasing number of representatives of social and behavioural sciences are becoming interested in such research in order to reconcile and adjust the results of their developments in this area. Jurisprudence and, first of all, criminal-legal sciences are not an exception in this case. Their representatives have long circulated the opinion that it makes sense to consistently introduce the research methods implemented in the sciences of the natural science cycle and the data extracted through them into the practice of law enforcement. This article presents the results of an analysis of key trends in the use of neurobiological and genetic information in US criminal proceedings for serious violent crimes. These include: a consistent increase in the number of criminal cases being tried that include neurobiological research data; the lack of a permanent “mitigating” effect of neurobiological evidence; and more favourable court and jury perceptions of neurodata presented by the defence in juvenile delinquency cases; an increase in the proportion of appeals by defendants alleging neglect or ineffective use of neurobiological information by their defence counsel in the investigation and trial of criminal cases and, at the same time, a disproportionately high percentage of such appeals; the courts’ adherence to the position that demonstrating an increased risk of antisocial behaviour, with an increased risk of harm to the child’s mental health, is the most effective way to ensure that the defendant’s defence counsel is able to demonstrate an increased risk of antisocial behaviour. In doing so, the court actually requires lawyers to constantly monitor the latest research in the field, setting a similar standard of professional quality for themselves. Noting the discrepancy of these law enforcement trends with the provisions of traditional sociological theories explaining the nature of the origin of social deviations, the author formulates a number of polemical theses, scientific and practical discussion of which, in his opinion, can determine the prospects of using the achievements of biological science for the development of domestic criminal justice.
How to Cite
BakharevD. (2024). Frontier of Biology and Horizons of Jurisprudence: Influence of Studies in Nature of Human Aggression on Development of Criminal Justice. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (1), 163-189.