Авторско-правовые аспекты сохранения и развития русскоязычного информационного пространства

  • М Федотов


The article concerns legal problems of communications within the limits of the global Russian language information field. Attempts of the organizational solving of these problems through creation of the World association of Russian press (ВАРП) are considered, the prime attention is given of legal mechanisms of copyright to maintain the effective functioning of the information field. The accent should be made on newly introduced author concept of such, as "the Presumption of freedom of a reprinting of newspapers and journal articles for current questions", appeared referring to the Bern convention. The author underlines necessity of spreading of the given legal principle on the Internet.
Как цитировать
ФедотовМ. (2009). Авторско-правовые аспекты сохранения и развития русскоязычного информационного пространства. Право. Журнал Высшей школы экономики, (2), 31-56. извлечено от https://law-journal.hse.ru/article/view/20616
Российское право: состояние, перспективы, комментарии