Major Tendencies in Changing Criminal Law Prohibitions of Strafgesetzbuch Special Part

  • Sergei Markuntsov HSE University
  • Andrey Umanskiy Criminal Law Institute at Cologne University, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, Köln, 50923, Germany
Keywords: criminal law of Germany, europeization of criminal law, penal prohibition


Markuntsov Sergey  - Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law, Law Faculty, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Candidate of Juridical Sciences. Address: 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail:

Umanskiy Andrey  - Researcher, Criminal Law Institute at Cologne University, LLD candidate. Address: Albertus-Magnus-Platz,  Köln, 50923, Germany. E-mail:

The article gives a comprehensive analysis of the major changes in criminal law prohibitions provided by the Special Part of German Penal Code concerning the mainaspects of society and the state for the last 8 - 10 years. The choice of the articles for the analysis depended on the relevance and response of the scientific community and law enforcement agencies. First, the article analyzes the changes of major legal law bans in the area of economics: Section 261  Money laundering; hiding unlawfully obtained financial benefits, Section 146  Counterfeiting money, Section 152 a  Foreign money, stamps and securities, Section 263 a  Fraud; then offences against personal freedom:  Section 238 Stalking, Section 237 Forced marriage. Further, the major changes as to information security: Section 202a  Data espionage, Section 202b   Phishing, Section 202c   Acts preparatory to data espionage and phishing, Section 303a Data tampering, Section 303b Computer sabotage; major changes introduced into legal bans as to state security: Section 129a   Forming terrorist organizations, Section 89a   Preparation of a serious violent offence endangering the state, Section 89b   Establishing contacts for the purpose of committing a serious violent offence endangering the state, Section 91   Encouraging the commission of a serious violent offence endangering the state and changes included into legal bans to protect sexual immunity : Section 176 Child abuse, Section 184   Distribution of pornography; and bans concerning public order: Section 130   Incitement to hatred, Section 113   Resisting enforcement officers. Finally, the article analyzes changes in the area of the protection of environment. The authors attempt to provide some evaluation of these changesand to determine general tendencies in German criminal law. A conclusion has been made that the major part of changes of legal bans in of  STRAFGESETZBUCH  SPECIAL PARTwas aimed at implementing in the country international and European standards of statutory regulation.
How to Cite
MarkuntsovS., & UmanskiyA. (2013). Major Tendencies in Changing Criminal Law Prohibitions of Strafgesetzbuch Special Part. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (1), 173-195. Retrieved from