Fighting against Piracy on the Internet
Sergo Anton - Professor, Deartment of Copyright, Neighbouring Rights and Intellectual Property, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Doctor of Juridical Sciences. Address: 55a Miklouho-Maclay Str.,Moscow, 117279, Russian Federation. E-mail:
Ivanova Ekaterina - Senior Consultant, GTK Telekanal Rossiya. Address: 19/21 Pyataya Ulitsa Yamskogo Polya Str., Moscow, 125124, Russian Federation. E-mail:
The article provides a review of legal problems resulting from the protection of copyright to the works placed on the Internet and summarizes the approaches aimed to solve these issues. Despite the rapid development of the legislation in the area concerned, the gap between this legislation and technological progress and consequently, low efficiency in the fight against exclusive right violators are obvious. This problem is not exceptionally Russian as it actually affects all the countries in the world with advanced information and telecommunication networks. However, now it is clear that an optimal balance between the interests of copyright holders and users can be reached only as a result of taking reciprocal measures aimed at creating honest and transparent forms of cooperation. Attempts to influence one cause of the conflict to resolve it is not sufficient and correct. The world experience of developing and implementing alternative means of content delivery, taking into account the needs of all Internet-content market members, is one of the first important steps on the road to the balance between the interests of right holders and users. Today, it is obvious that the methods of monetization of the works, used by the owners previously, have become obsolete. Relations between right holders and users are in the process of the inevitable reform, but what will it be - revolution or evolution? The material is based on both the analysis of the existing theoretical legal approaches to solve these problems, and judicial practice that has currently formed its view on some of the questions considered.