The Concept of Sexual Harassment and Mechanisms to Counter it in the Labor Law of Russia

  • M.M. Kharitonov
Keywords: harassment, sexual harassment, protection of employee dignity, labour protection, self-protection of labour rights


The article is devoted to the definition of the concept of “sexual harassment” and theevaluation of mechanisms to counter this phenomenon in labor relations. The need forthese mechanisms is due to the fact that in labor relations, their very infrastructure isinherently conducive to harassment, as the victim is usually in the service and (or)“space-time” dependence on the offender. Service dependence is due either to the directadministrative subordination of the victim to the source of the harassment, or to the factthat it can affect her career and other benefits associated with the work. The “spacetime”dependence is due to the fact that the victim cannot effectively avoid contactwith the source of the harassment by changing his or her location or time in a particularplace, because of his or her job responsibilities, he or she must be in a particular placeat a particular time. It is considered definitions of harassment behavior and proposesfour types of possible forms of harassment: assault, coercion, use and demonstration,considers the generalized practice of the United States on the qualification of behavioras a harassment and analyzes the norms of Russian law in terms of the availability ofadequate means to counter this threat. It is established that the current criminal, civil,administrative and labour legislation now does not contain effective methods of protectionagainst most forms of harassment. The author suggests regulatory incentives for moreactive involvement of the employer in countering harassment within the frameworkof labor relations (for example, the possibility of removal of the offender from work,transfer him to another job, dismissal for harassment as a gross disciplinary offense) andregulatory mechanisms for protecting the victim of harassment by means of labor law: the employer’s obligation to provide leave at the request of the victim, transfer it to anotheravailable job; the right not to be employed if the employer fails to take measures to protectthe victim from harassment, while maintaining the average earnings during the absence.
For citation: Kharitonov M.M. (2019) The Concept of Sexual Harassment and Mechanisms to Counter it in the Labor Law of Russia. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 3, pp. 52–75 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17-323/2072-8166.2019.3.52.75
How to Cite
KharitonovM. (2019). The Concept of Sexual Harassment and Mechanisms to Counter it in the Labor Law of Russia. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (3), 52-75.
Russian law: conditions, perspectives, commentaries