The Principle of Equal Rights and Freedoms of Menand Women: Current State and Prospects

  • D.E. Zaykov
Keywords: motherhood, men and women, paternity, privilege, duties


Equality is the most important principle of interaction and mutual relations betweenpeople, being one of the main social and legal regulators of social relations, reflectingthe degree of equal importance of their subjects to society and the state, the availabilityof equal rights, freedoms and duties for citizens, as well as opportunities for theirimplementation. The principle of equal rights and freedoms of men and women isone of the most revealing examples of the existence of problems of establishing andimplementing the constitutional principle of equality. The degree of development andimplementation of the principle of equal rights and freedoms of men and women is oneof the most important indicators of the rule of law, in which a person is recognized asthe highest value regardless of gender. The article examines the current state of theprinciple of equal rights and freedoms of men and women in Russia, using the exampleof the National Strategy for Women’s Action for 2017-2022, approved by the RussianGovernment..This legal act objectively and comprehensively reveals the existing stage ofdevelopment of the principle of gender equality, reflecting the existing imbalance of therelevant relations, which is based on the idea of the need to provide women with additional rights and privileges in order to overcome the historically established stereotype of theirsecondary roles and significance for society. The author comes to the conclusion thatthe paternalistic model of the state’s relationship to women remains, which creates theprerequisites for violating the principle of sexual equality in the absence of the necessarygrounds for this. At the same time, ignoring by the legislator the need to improve thelegal status of men, including as individuals with family responsibilities, is the cause of aviolation of the balance of rights and freedoms of men and women. The most importanttask for the legislator to implement the principle of equal rights and freedoms of men andwomen is the development and implementation of state gender policy.
For citation: Zaykov D.E. (2020) The Principle of Equal Rights and Freedoms of Men and Women: Current State and Prospects. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 4, pp. 25–42 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17323/2072-8166.2020.4.25.42
How to Cite
ZaykovD. (2020). The Principle of Equal Rights and Freedoms of Menand Women: Current State and Prospects. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (4), 25-42.
Russian law: conditions, perspectives, commentaries