Западная доктрина международного права начала XXI в. (краткий обзор)

  • Ю Юмашев


The article provides a brief overview of standard contemporary American, English, French and German textbooks and courses on international law for 2001—2006. The principal attention is given to the analysis of the specific approach by western legal scientists to the contemporary international law and their estimate of its present state. On the basis of comparative study the author of the article comes to the conclusion that the western doctrine of International law adapts more flexibly and variably to the process of globalization and is capable to offer more efficient instruments of legal regulation of international relations than Russian doctrine.
Как цитировать
ЮмашевЮ. (2009). Западная доктрина международного права начала XXI в. (краткий обзор). Право. Журнал Высшей школы экономики, (2), 3-9. извлечено от https://law-journal.hse.ru/article/view/20607
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