Strategic Planning in the Natural Resource Sphere: Legal Aspect

  • E.A. Galinovskaya
  • M.V. Ponomarev
Keywords: natural resources law, natural resources, planning, strategic planning, state planning, natural resources use, sustainable use of natural resources, environmental management, rational resources use, rational nature management


The subject of the research appear relations on strategic planning as an instrumentfor ensuring the rational use and protection of natural resources. The purpose of theresearch is to identify the problems of formation of the institute of state strategic planningin the sphere of using and protecting natural resources in the Russian Federation, as wellas to formulate scientifically based proposals to overcome them. The article examinesthe main legal problems of improving the institute of state strategic planning in the useand protection of natural resources sphere, describes the socio-economic prerequisitesand difficulties in the development of this Institute in the system of state management ofnatural resources, formulated proposals for the modernization of conceptual approachesand legislative regulation of natural resource relations for these purposes. In the courseof their research, the authors use a number of special legal methods of cognition, inparticular, methods of legal modeling and legal forecasting. Using the method of legalmodeling, the authors consider the possibility of extrapolating legal tools used in the fieldof strategic planning to the sphere of use and protection of natural resources. In turn,using the method of legal forecasting, the authors identify the main promising directionsfor the development of the strategic planning system in the natural resource sector, aswell as suggest possible ways to improve the legal regulation of relations in this area. As aresult of the scientific research conducted in this article, the authors come to conclusionsabout the need to formulate and consolidate the basic principles and approaches tostate strategic management of natural resources as an independent direction of statestrategic planning; to consolidate a number of categories and norms that determinethe role of the corresponding natural resource in the socio-economic development ofsociety; development of the concept of state strategic management of the use of naturalresources to ensure coordination of activities of state authorities and local authoritiesin this area. Both the legislation and the legal doctrine should more clearly define themain priorities of state policy in the field of natural resources management, and alsoneed to develop principles and provisions aimed at their harmonization with the legal andorganizational conditions of state strategic management in the field of natural resourcesmanagement.
For citation: Galinovskaya G.A., Ponomarev M.V. (2021) Strategic Planning in the Natural Resource Sphere: Legal Aspect. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 2, pp. 65–86 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17323/2072-8166.2021.2.65.86
How to Cite
GalinovskayaE., & PonomarevM. (2021). Strategic Planning in the Natural Resource Sphere: Legal Aspect. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (2), 65-86.
Russian Law: Condition, Perspectives, Commentaries