Electronic Interaction and Digital Technologies in Corporate Governance of a Joint Stock Company in Russia

  • A.V. Gabov
Keywords: corporate governance, coronavirus infection, joint-stock company, proxy voting, electronic voting (e-voting; i-voting; e-proxy voting), remote voting, ballot paper, shareholders’ rights, restrictions


The article is devoted to key issues in the development of legal regulation of electronicforms of interaction between participants in corporate relations in Russia. The authorconsistently examines the development of legislation and the practice of its applicationsince the mid-1990’s until present day. The impact of the emergency legislation createdto counter the spread of coronavirus infection in 2020 is separately considered. The authoranalyzes in detail the materials of the Bank of Russia, various political attitudes. Forthe first time in special literature, the correlation of the development of electronic formsof interaction in private and public relations is shown. The fundamental current legislativeinitiatives are considered. The purpose of the study is to formulate the main directionsof the development of legal regulation, based on the analysis of the experience of thedevelopment of legislation, including regulating public relations. To implement this, thefirst part of the study (introduction) shows the traditional approach to corporate actions,evaluates its pro and contra; then the second part of the study describes and evaluatesthe first attempts of the electronic Interaction and digital prospects in the 2000’s, includingelements of electronic interaction in legal regulations; then (in the third part) a radicalchange in the legislator’s approaches to regulation in 2010 is shown, estimates are givenof the state of regulation for the period from late 2019 to early 2020 (before the start ofthe coronavirus pandemic); in the fourth part of the assessment of current draft laws,as well as the author’s proposals in terms of directions of regulation are formulated andargued. The main conclusion was made about the need to expand the use of electronicforms of interaction for all legal entities, as well as the correlation of private law and publiclaw regulation.
For citation: Gabov A.V. (2021) Electronic Interaction and Digital Technologies in Corporate Governance of a Joint Stock Company in Russia. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 2, pp. 24–64 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17323/2072-8166.2021.2.24.64
How to Cite
GabovA. (2021). Electronic Interaction and Digital Technologies in Corporate Governance of a Joint Stock Company in Russia. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (2), 24-64. https://doi.org/10.17323/2072-8166.2021.2.24.64
Russian Law: Condition, Perspectives, Commentaries