The Future of Human Rights Law

  • T.A.O. Endicott
Ключевые слова: human rights, human rights adjudication, proportionality, European Convention on Human Rights, United Kingdom Human Rights Act 1998


Justiciable charters of rights give courts a dynamic and controversial role in governance, which is in tension with the roles of the executive and the legislature. In this essay I comment, from the British point of view, on the way in which these tensions work out in the law of the European Convention on Human Rights. I argue that politicians need to accept that the tension between the role of the courts and the roles of the executive and the legislature will be permanent, and is not a reason for withdrawing from the Convention, or for ignoring the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.
Как цитировать
EndicottT. (2012). The Future of Human Rights Law. Право. Журнал Высшей школы экономики, (5), 4-11. извлечено от
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