Legal Ontology and Axiology of G.D. Gurvich in a NewInterpretation (Review of the Book Antonov M.V. (2013) Lawand Society in the Conception of Georgiy Davidovich Gurvich).Moscow: Izd. dom Vysshey shkoly economiki, 448 pp.
value, fact, dialectics, method
The review evaluates the monograph by M.V. Antonov devoted to the analysis of sociological and legalideas of G. Gurwich. A special focus is made on the issues of ontology and axiology of law.
How to Cite
VityutnevY. (2014). Legal Ontology and Axiology of G.D. Gurvich in a NewInterpretation (Review of the Book Antonov M.V. (2013) Lawand Society in the Conception of Georgiy Davidovich Gurvich).Moscow: Izd. dom Vysshey shkoly economiki, 448 pp. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (3), 209-213. Retrieved from
Book Review