Laying Submarine Cables and Development of Mineral Resources of Seabed: “at Crossroads of Equivalent Roads”
sea, submarine cables, International Seabed Authority, International Cable Protection Committee, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
This article addresses the interaction between two important rights established by theUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 — the right to lay submarinecables and the right to explore and exploit mineral resources of the seabed. The activity oflaying and using submarine cables have been bringing economic and social values for along time already and became an object of international legal regulation which is, though,to date cannot be considered as developed and comprehensive. In contrast, the historyof international legal regulation of the exploration of mineral resources of the seabed isrelatively short. Inside states’ maritime zones this activity is regulated by domestic ruleswhile beyond states’ maritime zones there is a possibility of conflict between interestsof cable industry representatives and those entities who are engaged in the activityrelated to extraction of mineral resources of the seabed. Gradually increasing activity inthe international seabed area could lead to potential conflicts between cable companieslaying submarine cables and subjects developing mineral resources of the seabed sinceboth businesses are conducted at the same sites of the seabed. The United NationsConvention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 does not give a priority to any of the activity inthe international seabed area and there is no guideline on how the potential disagreementbetween cable company and contractor shall be resolved. In this article, the authorsexplore collaboration on how this gap can be filled by the alternative means other thanchanging the text of the Convention mentioned.For citation: Rylova M.A., Shvets D.A. (2019) Laying Submarine Cables and Development of Mineral Resources of Seabed: “at Crossroads of Equivalent Roads”. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 1, pp. 232–250 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17-323/2072-8166.2019.1.232.250
How to Cite
RylovaM., & ShvetsD. (2019). Laying Submarine Cables and Development of Mineral Resources of Seabed: “at Crossroads of Equivalent Roads”. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (1), 232-250.
Law in the Modern World