Administrative and Legal Regulation of Fishery and Protecting Fish Stocks: Analysis of Foreign and Russian Legislation
Legal regulation of relations in fisheries and the preservation of fish biological resourcesis inseparable from the state policy in this area, which is implemented within theframework of legal acts determining the development of fisheries as an important branchof the Russian economy and the economy of foreign countries. In turn, the documentsdefining the state policy in the field of fisheries and the development of fisheries, as wellas ensuring the rational use, conservation and protection of aquatic biological resourcesshould be interconnected with the main documents of strategic planning. Recently, theenvironmental law doctrine has paid particular attention to these issues in relation to theformation and implementation of state policy in the field of environmental protection,environmental safety, rational use of natural resources, and environmental management.The strategic (environmental) goal of the state policy in the field of fisheries andconservation of aquatic biological resources is the solution of related socio-economicitems that ensure environmentally safe, qualitatively oriented growth in the extraction andprocessing fish resources, preservation of a favorable state of the environment, biologicaldiversity and natural resources to meet the needs of present and future generations,the execution of the right of every person to accessible biological resources, ensuringenvironmental safety. However, in modern Russia regulatory framework and legalmechanisms that provide protection and rational use of fish stocks and other aquaticbiological resources are not sufficiently developed. The significance of the fishing industryfor the economic development of Russia, not excluding the existence of relevant issues,both in the economic and legal regulation of the field, necessitates solution of the issue,relying upon rich experience of foreign states. This article attempts to analyze foreignand Russian legislation in the field of administrative and legal regulation of the rules offisheries and the protection of fish stocks. In the course of this study, both complianceand different interpretations of the norms of the Russian legislation and states of theCommonwealth of Independent States were established, as well as on the basis of theanalysis of the norms of foreign legislation, regulatory proposals were made for Russianlegislation that are of practical importance, since the protection of fish resources is animportant part of the overall task of protecting the natural environment. Failure to taketimely and appropriate measures to protect natural object leads to its destruction.
For citation: Panova I.V., Sinitsyna S.V. (2019) Administrative and Legal Regulation of Fishing and Protecting Fish Stocks: Analysis of Russian and Foreign Legislation. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 1, pp. 214–231 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17-323/2072-8166.2019.1.214.231