Labour Law: Challenges of Digital Society

  • I.A. Filipova
Keywords: labour relations, artificial intelligence, labour regulation, labour function, automation, robotics


The transition from an industrial economy to a digital economy affects seriously labourrelations. Digital technologies increase the level of automation of production andservices. The use of software and robotics by entrepreneurs entails changes in theorganization of wage labour. The subject of this study is the legal regulation of wagelabour in the context of employers using new digital technologies to improve productionefficiency and monitor the performance of employees’ duties. Labour law arose andwas formed during the period of industrial society, many of its norms and institutions arenot designed for changes that occur in modern society as a result of digitalization. Thisreduces the possibilities of labour law as a regulator of the system of labour relations in the contemporary conditions. The purpose of this study is to analyse the changes takingplace in society that have the greatest impact on the world of work, as well as highlightingthe main blocks of the legal regulation of wage labour, which will be amended soon. Thepositions of Russian and foreign experts in labour economics and labour law were takeninto account when analysing and formulating conclusions. The main research methodsare analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, formal legal and comparativelegal methods, as well as the method of legal modelling. Conclusions about the inevitableresponse of labour law to changes associated with digitalization processes were madebased on the results of this study. The changes will affect such labour law institutions asworking time, rest time, labour protection, protection of employees’ data, guarantees andcompensation for employees, social partnership. The labour legislation should introducerules obliging employers to send employees to retrain if they are replaced by artificialintelligence systems. The new standards should limit the use of controls over workers’performance of duties and the use of artificial intelligence systems for data mining. Thechanges will also affect the circle of subjects of labour law.
For citation: Filipova I.A. (2020) Labour Law: Challenges of Digital Society. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 2, pp. 162–182 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17323/2072-8166.2020.2.162.182
How to Cite
FilipovaI. (2020). Labour Law: Challenges of Digital Society. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (2), 162-182.
Russian Law: Condition, Perspectives, Commentaries