Legal Regulation of Arctic Marine Bioresources Development: International Law and State Cooperation Mechanisms

  • V.R. Avkhadeev
Keywords: international treaties, Arctic, Arctic Ocean, marine bioresources, marine mammals, anadromous fish, fisheries, Pacific, Atlantic, legislation of the Arctic states


Legal regulation of the development of marine resources in the Arctic is carried out inaccordance with international treaties and the legislation of coastal states. Internationallegal regulation of the extraction of marine living resources is carried out at different levelsof international legal regulation — universal, regional and local. Regional internationaltreaties aimed at regulating the extraction of marine living resources, which would extendto all the maritime areas of the Arctic or to the Arctic Ocean, are absent now. Amongthe universal international treaties include a series of treaties governing the legal regimeof the maritime spaces within which sets out regulations governing the production ofmarine living resources in their regulatory kinds of maritime areas, as well as treaties withother subject of legal regulation. Subregional treaties on the regulation of the extractionof marine living resources in the Arctic marine spaces can be classified into two maincategories: treaties regulating the fishing of a specific type of marine living resourcesthat inhabit the marine spaces of the Arctic, as well as treaties dealing with fishingin various marine spaces that are part of the Arctic waters. The effect of such treatiesextends to certain parts of the waters of the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. TheInternational local treaties regulate relations regarding the extraction of marine livingresources between states located in close proximity to each other and having adjacentsea spaces. The main objects of the relevant international treaties are social relationsbetween states bordering each other on the delimitation of maritime spaces. And in thisregard, the state determines the legal regime for the extraction of marine living resourcesin the border waters. Each Arctic state has adopted its own legislation on the harvestingof marine living resources in the region. The cooperation of states in this sphere of activityis carried out both in the bilateral and multilateral international cooperation. One of themajor problems of international legal regulation of fishing of marine living resources isthe lack of international treaties that could be directed at regulating the fishing of marinemammals in the Arctic, with the exception of a few treaties applicable to the Arctic marine environment on a common basis.
For citation: Avkhadeev V.P. (2020) Legal Regulation of the Arctic Marine Bioresources Development: International Law and State Cooperation Mechanisms. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 4, pp. 216–239 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17323/2072-8166.2020.4.216.239
How to Cite
AvkhadeevV. (2020). Legal Regulation of Arctic Marine Bioresources Development: International Law and State Cooperation Mechanisms. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (4), 216-239.