Civil Litigation Efficiency: Criteria and Indicators

  • S.A. Kurochkin
Keywords: efficiency of justice, civil litigation, indicators, judicial protection, system of criteria, system of indicators, goals of civil procedure, costs, social efficiency


Civil justice system development requires consistent measures to ensure effective judicialprotection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, organizations and the State.Evaluating the effectiveness of judicial activity should involve not only expert judgments,but also a more verifiable analysis of criteria and quantifiable indicators. Their applicationmakes it possible to optimize the management impact, rationalize the choice of themost effective procedural means of protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, andincrease the efficiency of procedural activities and the entire system of civil jurisdiction.The paper presents author’s approach to understanding the criteria for the effectivenessof court proceedings, offers a system of such criteria, defines basic approaches to theformation of indicators of the effectiveness of civil procedure, requirements for them,and formulated a system of possible indicators that can be applied in practical research.Using the methods of analytical jurisprudence, law and economics, sociology of lawput forward the criteria and indicators determining the efficiency of justice, efficiency ofprocedural law, efficiency of suit, trial and court judgment. The practical implementationof the proposed approaches can allow to take into account not only the organizationaland legal parameters of the judicial system, but also the social and economic results ofcivil litigation, assess its social effectiveness, and stimulate the achievement of the goalsof court protection with the minimum costs.
For citation: Kurochkin S.A. (2020) Civil Litigation Efficiency: Criteria and Indicators. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 4, pp. 129–154 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17323/2072-8166.2020.4.129.154
How to Cite
KurochkinS. (2020). Civil Litigation Efficiency: Criteria and Indicators. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (4), 129-164.
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