Demand (Need) for Law: Factors and Vital Forces Overview (materials) of Round Table

  • Нет Нет


Annual April Conference held place on April 8 to 10, 2015 at National Research University Higher School of Economics. Its integral part was a plenary discussion under title Demand for Law: Factorsand Vital Forces. There were debates about ways and means of ensuring balance between needsof society and legal norms, about clearing these needs and its translating on legal language. It was agreed that sociology of law and political analysis play importamt role in solution of these issues. During discussions were spoken out theoretical ideas and presented results of sociological exploration of demand for law.
How to Cite
НетН. (2015). Demand (Need) for Law: Factors and Vital Forces Overview (materials) of Round Table. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (3), 194-212. Retrieved from