The Law on Education of 2012 and Development of Educationa lLaw in Russia
In September 2013 Russia enacted a new law on education which introduced significant changes into thesystem of sources for Russian educational law. This article analyses the provisions of the education law that pertain to sources of educational law in the Russian Federation, the relationship between different levels ofnormative and legal regulation, including: international, national (federal laws and by-laws, legal regulationof relations in education at the regional and municipal levels in the Russian Federation), and the place oflocal normative acts within the mechanism for legal regulation of relations in education.
How to Cite
KozyrinA., & TroshkinaT. (2017). The Law on Education of 2012 and Development of Educationa lLaw in Russia. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (1), 80-91.
Russian Law: Condition, Perspectives, Commentaries