Researchers Mobility as a Manifestation of Integrated Legal Regulation in Europe
Bologna process, research mobility, EU research and innovation policy, European research area, European higher education area, freedom of movement of knowledge, Eurasian integration
The authors study the legal regulation of research mobility within the European researcharea established in the European Union and the European higher education area, whichhas a wider range of member States of the Bologna process. The author emphasizesthe relationship between the legal policies of the European Union in the research andinnovation, education, as well as the free movement of workers, and the legal policyimplemented within the European higher education area, which gives the phenomenonof research mobility an integrated character. The legal regulation of research mobility inthe EU for third-country nationals, many of whom are members of the European highereducation area, serves as an additional confirmation of integration. The article deals withlegal acts of EU law that directly or indirectly affect the problem of international mobilityof researchers, as well as soft law acts, including policy documents. See the genesis anddevelopment of this area of legal regulation, we consider the so-called “limited edition” joint competence of the EU in the field of research and the “movement of knowledge”,claiming the status of “fifth” freedom, and also noted while a minor role of the EU Courtpractice in the field of mobility of researchers. The article analyzes the European legalmechanisms, the experience of which is a necessary tool for building their own model ofexchange of scientists, contributing to the scientific development of the countries of theEurasian economic Union. Based on the results of this work, the authors conclude that theexperience of legal regulation of research mobility in the EU can be used by the RussianFederation in formulating proposals for the development of the EAEU, provided that thisexperience is adapted to the conditions of Eurasian integration. The adaptation of thesemechanisms can also be used to support relations between the Russian Federation andthe European Union in the implementation of the agreement on cooperation in the fieldof science and technology of November 16, 2000. In addition, it was found necessaryto develop recommendations on academic and research mobility within the Europeanhigher education area, using the experience of legal regulation of mobility in the law ofthe European Union and taking into account the interests of all States participating in theBologna process, including the Russian Federation.For citation: Davletgildeev R.S., Tsygantsova S.I. (2020) Researchers Mobility as a Manifestation of Integrated Legal Regulation in Europe. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, no 4, pp. 240–260 (in Russian) DOI: 10.17323/2072-8166.2020.4.240.260
How to Cite
Davletgil’deevR., & TsygankovaS. (2020). Researchers Mobility as a Manifestation of Integrated Legal Regulation in Europe. Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics, (4), 240-260.
Law in the Modern World